Five Conservative-led authorities took the Labour mayor to the High Court over the expansion of the ultra low emission zone into all London boroughs.

Surrey County Council was part of the coalition, and says it’s “deeply disappointing”.

Leader Tim Oliver says residents will be “significantly socially and financially impacted”.

Mayor Sadiq Khan says “The decision to expand the ULEZ was very difficult and not something I took lightly and I continue to do everything possible to address any concerns Londoners may have.”

Meanwhile, the charity Asthma and Lung UK say air pollution is a “public health emergency” and that expansion is a “positive step towards cleaner air”.

Responding to the news that the High Court Challenge to the expansion of ULEZ has been unsuccessful, Liberal Democrat London Assembly Member and Transport Spokesperson Caroline Pidgeon said:

“The Liberal Democrats have been clear throughout this saga, we support action to clean up London’s air, but this must be done with adequate financial support to help people through any changes.

“Twice in the London Assembly we have called on the Mayor to introduce a more generous scrappage scheme, yet both times Labour rejected our calls. This is despite us being in the worst cost-of-living in living memory.

“We will continue to push Sadiq Khan to introduce a more generous scrappage scheme and for a longer lead in time for the scheme to be introduced.”