Assistant Chief Constable Sean O’Callaghan, said:

“We are aware that misleading information has been circulating in the mainstream media which has understandably led to those who sell poppies being fearful for their safety at train stations.

“We want to reiterate that we have no reason to believe that those who sell poppies are at any risk or being intentionally targeted.

“After extensive enquiries detectives have found no evidence of any deliberate act of assault at Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station. A man was arrested by BTP for a hate crime which occurred at the station. This offence is unconnected with the current crisis.

“The safety of all members of the public is our top priority. We have enhanced policing patrols across the rail network and at stations in the lead up to Remembrance weekend. Officers are there to provide a visible reassurance to the public and to take swift action should any issues arise.

“We are working directly with senior leaders from Royal British Legion and Poppy Scotland to provide reassurance. If any poppy sellers have any questions or concerns ahead of volunteer duties, they should text us on 61016.”