Richmond Council  joined forces with the Metropolitan Police at the England vs Japan match yesterday, starting 16 Days of Action and taking a stand against violence towards women and girls.

The council says:

“The partnership with the Metropolitan Police and the RFU team at the Allianz Stadium shows how teamwork can help us to tackle big issues. By joining forces, we’re able to combine resources, provide more support and develop a stronger community that keeps residents safe and informed.

The event was an opportunity for us to build on our commitment to partner with local organisations and foster a community of allies ready to support the cause.

By encouraging men and boys to take the lead in changing behaviours and cultures that contribute to gender-based violence, the event exemplifies the theme of White Ribbon Day, #ITSTARTSWITHMEN, and urges residents to hold themselves and each other accountable.

We all have a part to play in ending violence against women and girls.”

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