Jeremy Hunt’s announced plans to cut national insurance by two percentage points, saving those earning £35,000 more than £450.00.

He’s also increased universal credit and pensions.

But he confirmed plans to roll out mandatory placements for people who’ve been on benefits for more than 18 months.

Responding to Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn Statement this afternoon, Liberal Democrat Treasury Spokesperson, and Richmond Park MP, Sarah Olney said:

“This is a deception from Jeremy Hunt after years of cruel tax hikes on hard-working families from this government.

“After years of Conservative chaos sending mortgage and tax bills soaring, today’s announcements won’t even touch the sides.

“Worse still was the deafening silence on health. These dismal forecasts show the economy is on life support and reducing NHS waiting lists is the shot in the arm needed.

“It is a no-brainer that we need people off waiting lists and back to work, yet this Conservative government simply doesn’t care.

“Today has been more stale nonsense from a Conservative government out of touch and out of ideas.”