On Sunday, the 12th of November at 9am there will be a procession leading from Presburg Road, across the Fountain Roundabout, along the High Street to the war memorial located at the front of Waitrose where a Service will take place.

A series of road closures will be put in place as authorised by the Temporary Traffic Notice:

Presburg Road will be closed pre-event from 8:30am until the parade has exited the road.

New Malden High Street between the Fountain Roundabout and Blagdon Road will be closed only for the parade’s outwards march.

The High Street from Blagdon Road through to Dukes Avenue will be fully closed from 8:30am until the parade has passed the location approximately 11am at the latest.

During the above times, the procession route will need to be kept clear. For reasons of security, police stewards will not be allowing any vehicles to enter:

● High Street, between Fountain Roundabout and Dukes Road

● Presburg Road

● Blagdon Road

For businesses, Kingston Council asks that you notify your suppliers that they will not be able to get access to the area between 7am and 11am.

Temporary Traffic Notices are in force from 7am across all areas where Remembrance Services will take place.

If you have a parked car in an affected area please ensure it is moved before 7pm.

Stay tuned to 107.8fm, to Jackie News and Traffic and Travel for up to date reports across the day.