This includes approximately 159 reports of cameras being stolen and 351 cameras being damaged.

Statement from the Met Police.

In May, an operation was launched by the Met to ensure a proportionate approach was in place to respond both proactively and re-actively to any crimes.

The Met has, and will continue to, take criminal activity in relation to ULEZ seriously and has deployed considerable resources to our operation. Where there are possible lines of enquiry, local investigators will follow up using a range of investigative approaches including CCTV trawls, witness searches and an assessment of forensic opportunities.

To date, Met investigations have led to the arrest of two individuals, one charged and bailed for trial to June 2024 and the other discontinued by the CPS.

We continue to monitor Anti-ULEZ protests, as we do for all potential public order matters, to consider if bespoke policing plans are required. Some events have seen between 200 and 300 people attending.