A Merton postcode has won in the People’s Postcode Lottery. The postcode KT3 4PR in Raynes Park was awarded £1000 in the draw. The People’s Postcode Lottery manages lotteries for 20 charities, with each one having one draw a month. A minimum of 33% of the price of a ticket goes to charity. By News|2023-10-28T10:06:39+01:00October 28, 2023|Local News|0 Comments Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTumblrPinterestVkXingEmail About the Author: News Related Posts Sutton’s Lib Dem MP has announced he is backing Kamala Harris in the race for The White House. Sutton’s Lib Dem MP has announced he is backing Kamala Harris in the race for The White House. The Civic Centre in Esher could be turned into 400 homes. The Civic Centre in Esher could be turned into 400 homes. Mitcham’s Cricket Pavilion is to be safeguarded for the future. Mitcham’s Cricket Pavilion is to be safeguarded for the future. Surrey Police stopped over 80 vehicles and made 5 arrests as part of two-day intensive action to combat rural crime across Surrey. Surrey Police stopped over 80 vehicles and made 5 arrests as part of two-day intensive action to combat rural crime across Surrey.