Aine Davis, originally from Hammersmith, was deported from Turkey after serving prison time for membership of so-called Islamic State.

The group was nicknamed “The Beatles” because of their British accents.

The 39 year old has now been sentenced for possessing a firearm and funding terrorism.

Commander Dominic Murphy, who leads the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command, said: “Davis arranged for a large sum of money to be smuggled from the UK to fund the terrorist activities of Daesh – a group he had travelled to Syria to join.

“It has been nearly ten years since Davis committed these crimes, and I hope this case sends a message that we will relentlessly pursue and seek to prosecute anyone involved in terrorism both in the UK and abroad, no matter how much time has passed.

“The Met and the entire Counter Terrorism Policing network works closely with international partners to bring to justice people like Davis who go to lengths to fund terrorist groups.”

In January 2014, when Davis was in Syria, he arranged with his wife Amal El-Wahabi for 20,000 Euros to be brought to him from the UK.

However, the money was seized before it could be taken out of the country and El-Wahabi was arrested.

Phone data revealed calls and messages between El-Wahabi and Davis, which demonstrated the planning for the trip and the exchange of the money.

Officers also recovered images Davis had sent of himself to El-Wahabi. One showed him holding a firearm, with a group of other men believed to be Daesh members.

In November 2014, El-Wahabi was jailed for 28 months after being convicted of funding terrorist activity (contrary to Section 17 of the Terrorism Act 2000). A second person, aged 27 at the time, was found not guilty of the same offence.

Davis was arrested by officers from the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command at Luton Airport on the 10th of August 2022, following his deportation from Turkey.

He was taken to a south London police station, and charged with the above offences.

He first appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on the 11th of  August 2022.

Davis pleaded guilty to fundraising for terrorism (contrary to section 15 of the Terrorism Act 2000); making funding arrangements for terrorism (contrary to section 17 of the Terrorism Act 2000); and possession of an article for terrorism purposes (contrary to section 57 of the Terrorism Act 2000) at the Old Bailey.