St Nicholas Church in Summer Road has been a foodbank distribution point since 2020 and helps around 40 adults and 20 children a month.

Parcels and other items for distribution were stolen from storage.

Wardens say their response to the break-in is to emphasise is that they are there to help anyone in need, including the those who broke in.

They say they don’t judge and forgive quickly.

Statement from St Nicholas Church.

We are here to help anyone who needs us, including the person/s who stole the items. We’re here for you and we can and will help. We don’t judge and we forgive quickly. If you’re in need please come and talk to us. We can provide food but also support, company, and advice. This is all free and anyone is welcome.

The foodbank stores parcels and other items for distribution at St Nicholas Church and these were stolen from our storage.

The incident was reported and we are tightening our security.

If anyone is reading this and feels prompted to support East Elmbridge food bank, you can find out how you can help at

Over 90% of the food the Trussell Trust distributes comes from the public and we’re so grateful for that support.

Our priority is continuing to support our community so if you’re in need or know someone who is please do get in touch or pop in on a Tuesday morning.