The site in Clarence Avenue employs 15 GPs and has around 17,600 residents on its books.
The Groves will be kept under review by the Care Quality Commission who inspected it in October and November.
Inspectors issued two warning notices in relation to people’s safety and the management of the practice.
They noted gaps in systems meant to keep people safe such as staff training and medicines management.
A spokesperson for The Groves has told us:
The CQC inspected the Practice 5 months ago, since then we have taken swift action to put new systems and processes in place, and recruit and train our staff. For example, we have recruited a new clinical safety officer to support how we prioritise patients through our digital system, we have already improved how we document around medication, and we have new ways of learning and sharing information between clinical colleagues. We will continue to work through our action plan, with advice and involvement from our Patient Participation Group, and look forward to the next inspection so that we can regain our ‘Good’ rating.