Radio Jackie Public File Format, Competition Rules, Terms and Conditions
Each local commercial station in the UK has obligations with regard to its programmes, including music and local content, which are set out in the station Format which forms part of the station’s Public File.
The Public File serves as one indicator of a station’s output and Radio Jackie has gone to considerable lengths to make information on this website compliant with international standards and usable by all kinds of accessibility aids.
Comments should be made to Radio Jackie or to the industry regulator, Ofcom.

Radio Jackie Rules, Terms and Conditions
Radio Jackie Rules, Terms and Conditions
1. Radio Jackie Limited will be known as Radio Jackie in these rules.
2. Any competition, promotion, prize draw or other mechanic that enables listeners to claim or win a prize or prizes will be known as a “competition” in these rules.
3. 107.8 Radio Jackie,,,,, an approved Radio Jackie Roadshow at any premises, approved Radio Jackie printed material, any material that is posted by Radio Jackie on, on Twitter at Jackie_News, Jackie_Travel, RadioJackie, on Instagram at Radio.Jackie, will all be individually known as an “official Radio Jackie outlet†in these rules.
4. Entry into any Radio Jackie Competition, that is posted on any official Radio Jackie outlet, means acceptance of these rules.
5. When you contact Radio Jackie for competitions, requests, dedications, etc, you may choose to give us some or all your details. We therefore, may mention your name on Radio Jackie programmes and to enable that, we may hold all, or some of your details on file. If you wish us to remove your details, we will do, as quickly as possible, email
6. To enable you to claim your prize, we will keep your details on file for administrative purposes, and may pass your details to the prize supplier and mention your name on Radio Jackie. If you wish us to remove your details, we will do, as quickly as possible, but it may affect our ability to give you the prize, and lead to prize cancellation. Email
7. Recordings of competitions and other material may be held for administrative and legal purposes.
8. These conditions apply to all competitions, and in some circumstances there may be additional terms and conditions available from Radio Jackie.
9. The winner is the person who has been judged to win a competition by Radio Jackie. Radio Jackie questions will be written and or prepared by Radio Jackie (or its additional sources) and will rely on research from third party bodies. If that information proves to be incorrect, Radio Jackie will award the prize to the person that it considers being the fair winner. This may or may not be the person that has been announced as the winner on any official Radio Jackie outlet and / or in any other way.
10. At all times the judge is Radio Jackie. Radio Jackie’s decision is final and conclusive in all circumstances and no correspondence will be entered into.
11. The prize winner cannot exchange or transfer the prize in any way, unless approved by Radio Jackie.
12. Radio Jackie will normally contact the winner within 28 days. If these details are incorrect for any reason and the winner cannot be contacted, the prize will be cancelled and forfeited after 28 days. Also, in any circumstances that lead to the prize not being accepted or collected within 28 days by a Radio Jackie winner, the winner will forfeit the prize and no alternative shall be given. The Prize must be used within 90 days of the prize win or it will be forfeited.
13. In some cases Radio Jackie may supply a different prize to the advertised prize. Radio Jackie’s decision will be final.
14. Radio Jackie reserves the right to verify any details given by you. Fraudulent entries, false names, and false contact details will immediately mean full forfeit of the prize(s) by the winner. Radio Jackie reserves the right to ask for full proof of identity before any prize can be claimed. If Radio Jackie is not satisfied the winner has identified themselves honestly or in a legally correct way at any time, any prize will be forfeited.
15. Where there is a conflict between the Competition Rules and any specific details published elsewhere, these Competition Rules shall prevail.
16. Radio Jackie shall have no liability whatsoever in respect of Competitions operated by third parties on any official Radio Jackie outlet.
17. Radio Jackie reserves the right in its absolute discretion, without any notice to you and or without giving reasons, to either forfeit your place on the Competition, or withdraw the prize.
18. Unless otherwise stated, only one entry per person / per household / per family will be permitted and multiple entries will be void and the entrant disqualified, any prize will be forfeited.
19. After a previous prize award on Radio Jackie to any one person / family / or household, entries to any competition will not be accepted over a period of up to three months from the date of the prize award. If a prize is awarded by mistake, Radio Jackie reserves the right to cancel the prize.
20. If Radio Jackie informs you or others (by any means), you have been awarded a prize and subsequently discovers you are in breach of any of these rules, it may lead to the forfeiture of the prize.
21. Unless otherwise expressly stated, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age on the date you enter a competition and are in good health. Any prize taken is at the winner’s personal risk. Any person who enters a competition under the age of 18, may only do so if fully supervised by a person who holds full parental responsibility. If the minor is deemed a winner by Radio Jackie, the prize may be awarded to the supervising person.
22. In the case of a prize draw, or a multiple winner situation, the first valid correct entry drawn at random by Radio Jackie will be the winner.
23. Entries to any competition must be submitted in the manner advertised for entry by Radio Jackie at the time of the competition. For example, if only a telephone number is given then all entries via other means text, post, personal communication, social media and email (or any other) may not be accepted.
24. Radio Jackie will not be responsible for failed entries due to technical breakdown, i.e. telephone lines, emails, texts, post (or others) being unavailable. In addition Radio Jackie will not be liable for any prize sent to the winner that is lost for technical or any other reason(s). Radio Jackie will not be required to prove that the prize was posted, or delivered.
25. Anyone who works for Radio Jackie, or any company associated with Radio Jackie in any way, or any members of their family is / are disqualified from entry to any competition and / or receipt of any prize or prizes. In addition, if a breach of this becomes known after the prize award, the prize will be forfeited and returned to Radio Jackie.
26. Radio Jackie will make the final decision in any disagreement, however, this will not be a precedent for any future disputes. Radio Jackie’s decision will be final.
27. Radio Jackie reserves the right to amend these rules at any time. Radio Jackie will make any changes to these competition rules at and / or as soon as possible. However, changes can be made and enforced before publication.