It’s part of a Government scheme running from next Monday until the 23rd of September.

Changes to the Criminal Justice Act will prohibit them as offensive weapons from the 24th.

People surrendering weapons must ensure the items are safe to handle travelling to the police station and while on police premises.

People surrendering items must ensure that the items are safe to handle while travelling to the police station and while on police premises. They must be contained in a manner that allows them to be transported without causing distress or alarm to other members of the public.  

Items must be wrapped up and placed in a sealed bag or box. They must not be carried openly at any time. Carrying bladed articles in public without a good reason or lawful authority is an offence.  

Carrying the items according to these instructions and accompanied by the claim form will allow individuals to claim that they have a ‘good reason’ – namely that they are about to surrender the articles at the nearest designated police station – if stopped by the police. Once in the police station, the person mustn’t take the item out until requested to do so by a police officer or member of police staff.