Leader of the Liberal Democrats Ed Davey has appointed Luke Taylor MP to be the party’s Spokesperson for London.

The appointment of the MP to the role follows the Liberal Democrats’ first reshuffle since the party won a record number of seats in the general election.

Ed Davey is urging his party to focus on the “people’s priorities” and “clean up the mess left by the Conservative party.”

The new appointment follows Ed Davey’s speech to Liberal Democrat conference this weekend, where he set out plans to be a “responsible opposition”.

Luke Taylor has now vowed to take issues in Sutton and Cheam, and throughout London, to the heart of Westminster.

The MP will use their role in the House of Commons to champion local issues and hold the government to account on policy decisions.

Commenting on the new appointment, Liberal Democrat MP Luke Taylor said:

“I’m incredibly proud to have been appointed as the Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for London.

“London is my home. It’s where I went to University, where I live and where I am raising my young family.

“It’s for those reasons and more that being the voice of our party’s vision for this great city is an honour.

“I will champion Londoners’ priorities, not least on addressing the housing crisis, tackling sewage in the Thames and forging greater transport links.

“I will hold the new government and the Mayor of London to account as part of a responsible Liberal Democrat opposition.

“Our city faces many challenges after years of chaos under the previous Conservative government. London has seen health services buckle under strain, and too many families and pensioners face a harsh cost of living crisis.

“Now is the time for a proper opposition in Westminster that will champion the people’s priorities.”

Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Ed Davey said:

“My new frontbench will champion the people’s priorities, ensuring we hold the new government to account as a responsible opposition.

“I am humbled by the result of the General Election and the millions of voters who put their trust in the Liberal Democrats, including many for the first time. We will stand up for our communities every day on the issues that matter most, fixing health and care services, tackling the cost of living crisis and protecting our precious environment.

“I am so proud of my entire team of 72 Liberal Democrat MPs who will serve as strong local champions in Westminster as we clean up the mess left by the Conservative government.”