Wildlife Aid Foundation says the vixen was seriously and painfully wounded in her head, neck and side.

She’s currently recuperating after undergoing treatment at the charity’s Leatherhead based hospital.

Whilst it may not be illegal to shoot a fox, it is illegal to cause undue suffering to any animal.

The charity is urging people to “be kind.”

Statement from WAF.

Red foxes have enough to contend with at the best of times, but this poor frail and fragile vixen, had the added trauma of being shot three times.

That’s three times she felt the searing pain of a pellet piercing her body.

Having been found, near Chessington, by a member of the public, the vixen had been taken to Surrey based wildlife hospital, Wildlife Aid Foundation. After examination, it was discovered that this helpless vixen had been shot in her head, neck and side. A Wildlife Aid spokesperson, said “we cannot fathom what would possess anyone to want to hurt an animal that already has hunger, disease and competition to deal with.”

Incredibly, this vixen is resilient, and because of the rapid response from the Wildlife Aid vet team, all three bullets were successfully and safely removed. The vixen is currently undergoing a period of recovery for her injuries, at Wildlife Aid.

Whilst it may not be illegal to shoot a fox, it is illegal to cause undue suffering to any animal, and that is exactly what this fox has been put through since the pellets hit her.

These animals are just trying to survive in a world that routinely makes it harder and harder for them. Please, be kind.

WAF is one of the UK’s top wildlife rescue charity’s and aims to get all its patients back to the wild. It operates a 24-hour rescue centre entirely from public donations and is known as a centre of excellence for British wildlife care.