71-year-old Sean McNally from Yorkshire has pleaded guilty to five sexual offences against the same victim.

The incidents happened between 1973 and 1976 when he was the organ teacher and choir master at St Peter’s Church in Hersham.

The victim was aged between 10 and 13 and was McNally’s pupil at the time.

McNally would play on the victim’s faith, making him swear to God that he would never tell anyone about the abuse.

Investigating Officer Emily Nurcombe from the North Surrey Child Abuse Department, said: “Firstly, I must pay tribute to the victim, who found the courage and confidence to come forward and report the abuse he had suffered during his childhood as an adult after years of therapy. I hope the fact that McNally is now behind bars will help him start to come to terms with the abuse he suffered and enable him to begin rebuilding his life.

“McNally used his position of trust as the organ master at the church to groom his victim, making him feel like he was special, in order to abuse him on multiple occasions. He would then use the victim’s faith to ensure he didn’t tell anyone he was being abused.

“We will always investigate allegations of non-recent sexual abuse, no matter how long ago the abuse occurred. We would urge anyone who believes they have been a victim of sexual abuse to come forward and report it – you will be listened to, you will be believed and you will be supported.”