Increased drug tests, breath tests, stop checks, and patrols throughout December will all form part of Operation Limit, the nationwide campaign to tackle drink and drug driving.

The drug driving focus follows a rise in the number of offences detected across the country.

Last year saw 199 arrests for drink or drug driving in Surrey during December.

Superintendent Rachel Glenton, Head of Surrey and Sussex Roads Policing Unit, said: “Our officers will be joined by officers from across the force to carry out increased patrols and stop checks on the road networks.

“This is in addition to our existing patrols which we carry out 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

“Through education, engagement, and enforcement, we aim to reduce the devastating impact of drink and drug-driving.

“We will deal robustly with offenders. So, while our officers can’t be everywhere, they could be anywhere and there really is no excuse for drivers who put their own safety and the safety of everyone else at risk.”

Surrey’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Lisa Townsend, said: “Every time a driver gets behind the wheel, they are committing themselves to a huge responsibility.

“They are not only responsible for themselves, but for their passengers and everyone else they encounter on their journey.

“That’s why it’s so appalling for motorists to drink or take drugs before driving. It’s a dangerous and selfish act that can forever change a life, and I cannot overstate how important it is to remain sober, patient, and attentive at the wheel.

“There is no excuse whatsoever for this behaviour, and it is never, ever worth the risk.”