This is despite 24,000 people signing a petition against the scheme.

The Teddington Direct River Abstraction scheme has been chosen by the company in order to meet the shortfall in water supply.

If the Government is happy with the plan, it will be finalised and published in 2024.

Marlene Lawrence, founder of the Teddington Bluetits Swimming Club.


Nevil Muncaster, Strategic Resources Director at Thames Water, said: “The scale of the water resource challenge means we must make bold decisions and act now to ensure we have the water we need for generations to come. Given this, we must find ways to adapt to our changing climate, supply water to more people as our population grows, and reduce the amount of water we take from our rivers and chalk streams to protect the environment.

“Investing in and building new infrastructure is integral to the plan and we’re calling on the government to support ambitious projects, including a new reservoir in Oxfordshire and a river abstraction and water recycling scheme in West London.”

The revised plan also reflects revisions to the forecasts for population growth, using up-to-date information from local authorities and the Office for National Statistics.

Lee Dance, Organisational Director at Water Resources South East, said: “Our revised regional plan has been shaped by feedback from the public and sets out the investment needed to meet the predicted water shortfall across the South East.

“Delivery of the plan is essential to address the impact of climate change and population growth while making water supplies more resilient to drought and enabling more water to be left in the region’s rivers and streams.”