Project Description
Presenters – Kelvin Michaels
One word that describes you…
Lefthanded, and International lefthanders day falls on my birthday!
Favourite things…
Ooh where do I start? Here’s a few to be getting on with… home cooking, hugging cats, salads, wildlife, country walks, silly things on the telly, outrageous action movies, driving…
And introducing my new love.. Vanilla latte with extra sugar (syrupy, sweet, and oh, so BAD!)
Least favourites…
Washing up (unfortunately the other half isn’t too keen on it either 🙁
Best thing about South West London…
It’s a weird, wonderful, bright, bouncy, warm friendly place- why would I want to be anywhere else?
Best bit about working for Radio Jackie…
Everyone’s always smiling.
Worst bit of working for Radio Jackie…
Trying not to sing! (I try not to inflict my karaeoke tendencies on the rest of the team, but with songs as good as ours, I can’t help it!)